Q派小栈 规章制度 – 社群 – 基础

Q派小栈 规章制度 - 社群 - 基础


1 总则
1.1 为规范“Q派小栈”及其附属的所有组织(以下简称组织)内成员(以下简称成员)的聊天行为,维护良好的交流氛围,促进成员间的和谐互动,根据相关法律法规,制定本制度。
1.2 成员在上述组织内进行聊天等活动,应当遵守本制度。对于违反组织管理规定,影响组织内其他成员正常进行活动的行为的认定与处理,适用本制度。
1.3 组织内管理人员负责管理、维护和监督组织内聊天秩序和其他日常事务等工作,依据本制度,负责对成员违规行为的认定与处理。
1.4 管理人员对违规行为的认定与处理应当公开公平、合理适当。

2 成员基本准则
2.1 成员应遵守 Q派小栈 各项规定,并严格遵守相关法律法规。
2.2 尊重他人,言行文明,遵循社会公序良俗。
2.3 积极参与社群建设,共同营造美好社群环境。

3 违规行为的认定与处理
3.1 成员有下列行为之一,情节较轻的,应当认定为违规行为:
3.1.1 辱骂、恶意攻击他人;
3.1.2 涉及政治、宗教等敏感话题,发表具有侵害性、歧视性言论;
3.1.3 频繁发送无意义内容,刷屏行为;
3.1.4 发送或讨论涉及黑产的内容;
3.1.5 频繁讨论不宜公开讨论的内容;
3.1.6 其他影响群内秩序和其他成员的行为。
3.2 成员有下列行为之一,情节严重的,应当认定为严重违规行为:
3.2.1 违反相关法律法规的;
3.2.2 发送涉及封建迷信、淫秽、赌博、暴力、凶杀、恐怖、诈骗、教唆犯罪、谣言、诽谤等不良信息。
3.3 如有违反规章制度的行为,将受到相应处理,包括但不限于警告、禁言、踢出群等,情节严重者将追究法律责任。

4 补充条款
4.1 本规章制度由“Q派小栈”管理组制定并负责解释和执行。
4.2 “Q派小栈”管理组有权对其进行修改和完善,成员应及时关注并遵守最新版本的规定。
4.3 本规章制度自发布之日起施行。

Q派小栈 规章制度 - 社群 - 基础

QPaiINN Rules and Regulations - Community - Basic

Date of Establishment: January 3, 2023
Revision Date: January 29, 2024

1 General Provisions
1.1 In order to standardize the chat behavior of all members (hereinafter referred to as "members") within "QPaiINN" and its affiliated organizations (hereinafter referred to as "organizations"), maintain a good atmosphere of communication, and promote harmonious interaction among members, this regulation is formulated in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
1.2 Members should abide by this regulation when engaging in chat activities within the aforementioned organizations. This regulation applies to the identification and handling of behaviors that violate organizational management regulations and affect the normal activities of other members within the organization.
1.3 The management personnel within the organization are responsible for managing, maintaining, and supervising the chat order and other daily affairs within the organization. They are responsible for identifying and handling members' violations in accordance with this regulation.
1.4 The identification and handling of violations by management personnel should be carried out openly, fairly, reasonably, and appropriately.

2 Basic Principles for Members
2.1 Members should adhere to the regulations of QPaiINN and strictly comply with relevant laws and regulations.
2.2 Respect others, behave civilly, and follow social norms and conventions.
2.3 Actively participate in community building and jointly create a good community environment.

3 Identification and Handling of Violations
3.1 If a member engages in any of the following behaviors, which are considered relatively minor, it shall be deemed a violation:
3.1.1 Insulting, maliciously attacking others;
3.1.2 Involving sensitive topics such as politics, religion, etc., and making remarks that are harmful or discriminatory;
3.1.3 Frequently sending meaningless content, engaging in flooding behavior;
3.1.4 Sending or discussing content related to illicit industries;
3.1.5 Frequently discussing topics unsuitable for public discussion;
3.1.6 Other behaviors that disrupt the order within the group and affect other members.
3.2 If a member engages in any of the following behaviors, which are considered severe, it shall be deemed a serious violation:
3.2.1 Violating relevant laws and regulations;
3.2.2 Sending information involving feudal superstitions, obscenity, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, fraud, incitement to crime, rumors, defamation, and other harmful information.
3.3 Violations of the rules and regulations will result in corresponding actions, including but not limited to warnings, muting, or removal from the group. Those with severe circumstances will be held legally responsible.

4 Additional Provisions
4.1 These rules and regulations are formulated by the "QPaiINN" management team and are responsible for interpretation and enforcement.
4.2 The "QPaiINN" management team reserves the right to modify and improve these rules and regulations, and members should promptly pay attention to and comply with the latest version of the regulations.
4.3 These rules and regulations shall come into effect upon their publication.

QPaiINN Rules and Regulations - Community - Basic
January 29, 2024
